I spent a week of my time in the big city with five amazing young women from SEBTS, and their one fearless male leader. It was a remarkable time, in terms of results seen, as well as those unseen. Truly amazing. We opened each day with worship. We sang; we prayed; we dove into His story.
Wednesday morning, I shared the story of the woman with the alabaster flask of ointment (from Luke 7:36-50). This woman was willing to offer all that she had to Jesus. She poured out on Him the most costly thing she owned. Did she consider it a cost, or an offering?
I began to wonder, "How often do I see things I give to the Lord as a cost, rather than an offering? Am I willing to give to Him the most costly thing that I have?" This woman received the same salvation that I have. It is my prayer that I would all that I have for all that He has given me.
After our time or worship each morning, we headed to a local church to train women to use His stories to share with those who do not yet believe. The women that we trained understood cost. I wonder if they saw what they gave as cost, or offering.
Sheila was a dark-skinned, quiet lady who wasn't eager to share her story. After the first day of training, we wondered whether she was a true believer, whether she would return for another day of training.
To my utter surprise, she was right on time and ready to begin day 2. Day 2 began with going out in small groups to share the stories that had been learned on the previous day. As we headed out, Sheila was in my group.
Sheila continued to share stories from God's word and encouraged our host to trust Jesus, and worship Him only.
Sheila understood cost. Or, did she count it an offering? Would I be willing to make such a sacrifice?
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