Friday, January 29, 2010
Tea for tea?
T4T is Training for Trainers. It is a method of training believers to then go out and train others, who in turn, train others. It is a vision of multiplicity. It is something that I have dreamed of seeing take place, but I don't think I ever imagined that I would.
Storying is my heart. It is what I love to do most. I love to share His story with preschoolers and senior adults, alike, whether in North America or half way around the world. I am most comfortable with my shoes off, sitting on the floor, sharing a story from God's word.
ST4T combines this dream of multiplicity with my passion for storying.
Through a series of circumstances, I was given the opportunity to join 5 amazing ladies and their incredible professor, from the states, in the big city to lead an ST4T conference for national women. I was humbled by the opportunity that was placed before me. I was intimidated by all that I don't know and all the Hindi I don't yet understand. I was almost convinced that this was impossible. I was sure that these friends who had come from so far away would be terribly disappointed in my inabilities.
Suddenly, the Father spoke. As if audibly, I heard, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor 12:9) A relief came upon me. It wasn't possible for me to do this. It was only by surrendering my weakness to Him that this dream could come true. Only through Him could this dream become a reality.
"Great is Thy faithfulness," resounded in my heart throughout the week of the conference. Flexibility was the word of the week; fluidity was required. The plan changed more often than I could keep up with.
These friends had come with the intention of leading a 5 day conference for a large group of national women. On Sunday evening, I heard the pastor announce that a 3 day training would be offered and only 10 national ladies had been invited. Immediately my mind began to spin. What was I going to tell these ladies who had come so far? All I knew to do was to calmly assure them that we would keep busy and there would be purpose in every day.
We began the conference on Monday with 11 national ladies present. Typically, we expect that number to decrease each day. Women have responsibilities that very often are required to take priority over events for them. Monday night we prayed that those 11 ladies would return, and Tuesday morning there were 14 ladies. Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, we prayed that again they would return. Wednesday there were 16 national women hungry to learn more of His story and how to share it effectively.
As Wednesday approached (the final scheduled day of the conference), I became anxious about what I would plan for Thursday. Wednesday came to a close and the women attending the conference were disappointed that they had been given such a limited time to be out sharing the stories in the community. I proposed that we meet back on Thursday, with the only plan being to share stories in the community for a few hours. To my complete amazement, the always late (hours late) South Asian women, were, in fact, 10 minutes early and ready to run to tell His story to their neighbors and friends!
Thursday's program was coming to a close. Again, I didn't have a plan for the coming day (which is quite unusual for the planner that I am). The pastor approached us and asked us to come to another church to train the ladies there with the ST4T stories and principles. I was elated with this opportunity, and with the fact that now we had a Friday plan.
I hoped a couple of the ladies who had been with us since Monday would be there, but I wasn't sure who would join us.
As we reached the roof of a building, we were in the open air. There was construction taking place immediately on either side of the building. The tin roof over our heads was home to a large, and noisy, flock of birds. We had arrived at the church where the one-day training would take place. It was loud. Dirt was blowing in on the breeze. I knew the day would be different from all of the others.
Indeed, it was different. Three of the national ladies who we had trained decided to join us for this one-day training. I spoke to them. I explained that we could really use their help. I shared with them that they had learned everything and that they could in turn teach the stories and method to these new ladies.
The ladies spoke right up; they jumped right in. They were training! They had been trained, and were now training. It was ST4T right there before my eyes.
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.
Snapshots of my days in the big city
Stories were shared, learned, and practiced.
Praying that the time we had together and the stories that were
shared will carry on long after we are gone.
A birthday to remember
We were staying in a hotel just on the outskirts of the big city. As I was finishing getting ready, I heard 5 voices singing "Happy Birthday." I peeked out to find the sweet faces of these 5 new friends who were visiting from the states. I stepped out of my room to find balloons and some of my favorite treats. These precious girls wanted to make my birthday special.
The day opened with these new friends showing love. Following breakfast, we spent time in worship together. We sang some of my favorite songs of praise. I sat on the floor, bare-footed, and shared one of my favorite stories from God's word.
The ST4T conference began and we sang out praises with national women in their heart language. I saw national women equipped to share the stories of how the Father has changed their lives with others who don't yet believe. The day closed knowing that the Father is truly at work in my heart, while He is at work all over South Asia.
Indeed, it was a special day.
Cost, or Offering?
Friday, January 8, 2010
She came back
As I stooped my head and stepped through the doorway, I was greeted by the smell of gasoline. I'm not sure where we were. Was this a home; was it a shop? Was it maybe both? The man inside grabbed a broom to sweep over the dirt floor. He quickly placed an old curtain on the floor upon which we were to sit.
As we spoke with the man, I asked if he was a believer. He assured me that he was. I encouraged him to seek to be used by the Father to reach others. Again, he assured me that he did. As we continued to dialogue, the crowd of onlookers continued to grow.
Amongst the crowd, two non-believing women were found, each seated on opposite sides of the room in make-shift chairs. A friend who had come in with me began to share the story of truth. One of the women listened intently, the other continually looked around the room. As my friend approached the climax of the story, the second woman excused herself to escort her young son to school.
Just as the story concluded, the woman who had departed earlier quietly slipped back into the room. Following a moment of quiet, my friend decided to repeat the story, beginning at the point at which the lady had departed.
As story was completed for the second time and the women were asked to respond. I assumed that they had only listened out of courtesy, and that the comings and goings from the room had only aided in providing additional distraction.
To my utter amazement, each of the two women proclaimed that they believed the story to be true and wanted to ask the Father to give them salvation.
I'm ashamed of myself. Who am I to assume that He isn't at work? He continues to prove to me that He is faithful and that He will use our most feeble attempts of serving Him to do really amazing things.
I was tired, but I went in, sat down, and struggled through communicating the Father's love to people who are not so different from me. And because so, there were angels singing as the Father's family increased by two more.
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.
I am working with some friends in the big city this week. During the day, we have been going into the city and seeking to follow the model provided in Luke 10.
Today as we walked about, talking with ladies, I was completely overwhelmed by the task at hand- sharing the truth with those who have yet to hear it. There are too many. The task is too big. There aren't enough of us, and too many of them.
As my head swam with questions and I sought to find a solution, there was a gentle assurance, a strong piller amidst my shifting thoughts.
"This isn't your task, my daughter, it's mine. I will use you. I want to use you. I can accomplish far beyond anything you can ask or imagine. Remember that I am the one who puts the moon and stars in place and roves about the earth drawing people to myself. This is my task, and I have a plan. Just walk obediently, and I will use you."
The sweet reminder and assurance of a Father who loves his children.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Big city, here I come!
I have been given the opportunity to help lead a team of friends from the states in sharing His stories, and training others to do so, in Mumbai. I am thrilled with the opportunity. I know the Father has amazing plans in store for the days ahead. You can stay connected with what we are up to and what the Father is doing by checking out the links in the "Stay Connected" post below.
*Thank the Father for this amazing opportunity.
*Ask the Father to use each of those in Mumbai this week in a mighty way and that He would call the people of this city unto Himself.
*Ask the Father to allow my Hindi to flow smoothly and increase each day.
*Ask Him to use me to draw others to Him.
Stay Connected
But today teams landed in Mumbai to do just that – to start talking, to engage the people of Mumbai in spiritual conversation!
Join these teams of musicians, students and leaders in their search to find persons of peace as they share stories of life change through Jesus.
Email Heather for "staying connected" contact info.
Hard Days
As I left for the airport in the wee hours of the morning, heading off to this great adventure, my heart stung. This was an assignment for Cathy & I to complete together. However, the situation has left me to complete it alone.
Most days, in South Asia, you find yourself not feeling great, but just pressing through, knowing that tummys and heads, noses and throats, they just don't love living in South Asia. Most days we just feel kind of "yucky."
On Friday we decided that there was something more to Cathy's "feeling yucky." So, we headed to Delhi, grabbing what we needed to stay for the night, see the doctor, and return home.
After a series of lab tests, Cathy was diagnosed with Typhoid. Now Cathy is going to be just fine and at the top of her game again soon, but for right now, we are having hard days. I had to leave Cathy in Delhi to recover and march on to conquer this adventure solo.
I don't understand why the Father is allowing these hard times, but I am thankful that He is an ever-present help in time of need.
*Thank the Father for good medical care for Cathy.
*Ask the Father to heal and encourage Cathy.
*Ask the Father to use even these times to draw Cathy & I closer to Himself, as well as, together as a united team.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Sacred Marriage