
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Should be studying

I love school. I know, I know -- dork. But it's true. I enjoy learning. Seminary has provided so many opportunities for great discussion, lecture and thought. Scripture is amazingly rich. Our Christian stance, our faith, is a vast depth that requires great contemplation, equal trust in our Authority and responsibilty to show the world what wisdom truly is.

This semester I am taking Philosophy of Religion. So far I love this class. While I cannot quite give a synopsis of the content thus far (my brain is pending complete comprehension), I do know that God is teaching me. He is teaching me to love Him with my mind.

We are commanded to love God with our mind. Far to often, we over look the mind and instead focus on loving God with our heart, our soul, our strength. What does it mean to love God with your mind? There is the obvious choice of a pure mind. Putting away lust, malice, gossip, judgement and the like is always a way to present our mind to the Lord in an act of worship. But, what if we dare to love God with more than avoiding sin? What if we dare to love God with something that might cost a little bit more? What if we actually believed Scripture's claims so strongly that we actually found ourselves thinking about them?

I mean, who is God. This God, who created a brilliant universe. Who felt so inclined to glorify Himself by creating a human race - by creating man and breathing life into Him. This God, who is not removed from His workmanship; rather, intimately concerned. You may be thinking "we can never know." This is true, we can never know completely. But we can seek after this God, the One and Only True God, with our minds as passionately as we aspire to seek Him with our hearts.

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