Hello Friends,
I hope everyone is well. I wanted to take some time to share with you a podcast I have recently been listening to. I have to admit I listen to a lot of stuff, mostly good, but this is probably the best message I have heard in a long time. I am getting ready to listen to it a third time and thought that this must be something I need to pass on. Dr. Russell Moore is a professor at Southeastern Seminary, in North Carolina. He speaks with great intention.
Fair Warning: This message is about marriage and about the biblical roles God has established for each person, male and female. This is a big sore spot in the Christian community. But, I think after hearing this message your hearts, attitudes, perceptions, thoughts, judgement, opinions, and feeling toward the matter will be changed, soothed, and all together spoken to.
Please listen. I don't often urge messages on friends. I know I am in a category all my own when it comes to consuming podcasts of particular varieties. However, this podcast should not go unshared. I have been convinced in the last week that the area discussed in this message is an pertinent one. I have come to see the avenue Satan can take in this area and believe he is working it within the hearts of God's children. So find some time to grade papers, pay bills, clean out a closet, iron next week's clothes, clean out the garage and put this on while you work.
Here is the link: http://dbcmedia.org/podcasts/1309-062908.mp3
If the above link doesn't work, click here:http://feeds.feedburner.com/dbc_recent_sermons Then choose "06/29/08 - Eph 5:15-33; Manhood, Womanhood And The Mystery Of Christ"
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