Cathy & I depart on April 6th. We will be serving the oral (non-reading) peoples of South Asia. Following several months of extensive language and culture study, we will head to a city just outside of the capital to serve amongst the Mint people. The Mint don’t read or write, and are beginning to come to know Jesus. They are hungry for access to his word. It will be our privilege to work with these precious baby brothers and sisters to craft God’s story into a form that will allow them to disciple one another and share the truth with their family & friends. May the day come quickly, that all of the Mint people would truly know him and have his word hidden in their hearts.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Ready or not, here I come!
The tickets have come. April 6th is quickly approaching. There is excitement. There is fear.
What will the next weeks and months hold? What does the Lord have in store? Am I ready?
The Lord is sending me, so here I go!
· Pray that the Lord would give me sweet time with family and
· Pray that there would be good good-byes.
· Pray that all of those last minute things, the little and the big, would get done quickly and
· Pray that there would be good good-byes.
· Pray that all of those last minute things, the little and the big, would get done quickly and

I was so excited to be flying to Mobile. Ellie, Mason, Greg & Amy were coming to get me, and Mama & Daddy would be joining us shortly. As I strolled down the walkway from the aircraft, I saw my sweet Ellie & Mason frantically waving. It did my heart such good. I was greeted, and hugged, and kissed. How precious is the love of a child.
After being welcomed by Greg & Amy, Amy announced that there was a surprise. My mind raced to imagine what it could be. I never imagined that my Sarah would round the corner, but there she was. My heart leapt.
On the road, again...
As I pulled away from the training center en route to Alabama, the Jeep engine just stopped running. “Oh, my!” I thought, “This is going to ruin my schedule.” As I sit in the service station in a small town in southern Virginia, I am appreciative of the Lord forcing me to be still, to call on him, and to spend time with him. We must find time to just be with him. It is the most important thing on our “to-do” list each and every day. Please join me in praying that we would never forsake this most important responsibility each day.
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Chain-saw Pruning
My time of training and preparation has been a time of what I now refer to as, “chain-saw pruning.” How the Lord so often needs to prune away the distractions and burdens that we have placed on, in, and around us, before he can use us. What a difficult process this is. Even still, how sweet it is to realize that he loves us enough not to leave us as we are, but he prunes us to prepare us for beautiful fruit to be produced.
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