As I sat in the hospital neurological clinic waiting room, I was greeted by the smiles and gazes of beautiful children. These children were so much like other children I have loved and served.
They live with a variety of abilities. These children don't walk, they don't use words to speak. These children and families learn to live and function with very special needs.
As I watched parents and others interact with these children, I gazed in wonder, and somewhat of a sense of longing.
A smile swept across my face as one would giggle with glee as a song was sung or a game was played.
Some days I miss serving special needs families in their homes. Some days I miss the classroom. Some days I miss the joy of seeing a child master a new skill.
The work the Father has before me looks so different now than it did in years past. Some days I wonder if I am up to this challenge. Some days I wonder what the days ahead will include.
Today I am choosing to be thankful for today and the task that is before me, but I will always look back in amazement and look forward with wonder.
I am planning to soon visit a center that provides services for children and families with special needs.
Please join me in asking the Father for His guidance in how He may choose to involve me in the special needs community of M-town.