Brokenness, brokenness is what I long for.
Brokenness is what I need.
Brokenness, brokenness is what you want from me.
Take my heart and form it.
Take my mind, transform it.
Take my will, conform it,
to your's, to your's, O Lord.
Brokenness is what the Father wants us to bring to him. Brokenness is truly what we need. Only the Lord can heal our brokenness. But, is brokenness really something we long for?
The Father is at work. He is at work in me, and I pray that he is at work in you. I am quite stubborn. I like things done my way. I like to be in control of how things are done. Too often, my strong, independent spirit becomes an obstacle. I have to often ask the Father's forgiveness for doing things my own way, rather than his. He loves each of us so much though, so much that he doesn't ever stop working on us, to mold us and make us who he has for us to be, vessels through which he chooses to work. I want to be one the father chooses to work through.
In order for the Father to work through me, I must allow him to empty me of myself and fill me with himself. This means altering my prideful, I can do anything, WonderWoman attitude, and coming before him, and others, humbly, to be used to love, share, and serve.
The last months have been full of lessons on humility. I am so thankful that the Lord doesn't give up, he just keeps working on us and loving us. He accepts us each and every time we return to him. The task that is ahead is so much larger than anything any person could accomplish in and of themselves. The father has used and is using this time to show us that he is still in the miracle making business. He is, and will continue to be, at work in, around, and through us.
These weeks and lessons haven't been easy ones. Hindi has become difficult for me. I haven't enjoyed the learning process that must take place. My body isn't handling life overseas near as well as I would like. I have experienced hospitals in two countries in less than a month. Cathy & I have been on the move and without a home of our own since our arrival. We are so ready to settle. I miss people and places in America. I miss getting to be present for special occasions and I miss being part of ordinary days. These are just hard things.
I know that our God is faithful. I look back and see his faithfulness. I am choosing to look forward and trust his faithfulness. He has truly amazing plans. He will see his plans come to fruition. What an honor it is to be part of them. There are incredible days behind us, and before us. May we humbly choose to accept each opportunity as one through which to praise him!
Brokenness, brokenness is what I long for.
Brokenness is what I need.
Brokenness, brokenness is what you want from me.
Take my heart and form it.
Take my mind, transform it.
Take my will, conform it,
to your's, to your's, O Lord.
*Ask the father to continue to heal my body completely and to protect me from further illness.
*Ask the father to allow Cathy & I to find wonderful homes quickly in our new city.
*Ask the father to grant sweet relationships with fellow workers and nationals in our new city.
*Ask the father to provide the mental capabilities and attitude to learn Hindi well and joyfully.
*Ask the father to continue to mold me into a vessel that he can use to make himself known amongst the nations.